Tarantino music with a gypsy soul.


Like the white tiger is an anomaly in nature, Tigre Blanco deviates from the tonal scenery in the Lowlands. Tigre Blanco’s wide-ranging sounds are well-suited for an Andalusian nightclub, a juke joint in Calexico or a festival in Sin City.


Tigre Blanco makes sweltering rocksongs, where Americana,
film music, gypsy and soul are forming an alliance 
with a raw and rocking twist. Music that sounds like the soundtrack of a
new 'paella western' from Quentin Tarantino. 
Dark as night but warm as smoldering fire.


What will happen when Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Tom Waits and Quentin Tarantino hop on a plane and party from Paris to Texas?

...Tigre Blanco... a sweaty roadtrip, hotter than a snake's ass.